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Dallas community air management program


The Concern

There are a limited number of regulatory air monitors to cover all of North Texas and residents complain that government air monitoring does not adequately measure air quality in neighborhoods.  As a result, not enough is known about the day-to-day exposures that residents experience from poor air quality.


The Solution:
A Community-Led Air Quality Study

The Dallas Community Air Management Program (D-CAMP) is a collaboration between community, government, and academia to collect neighborhood air quality data using advanced low-cost sensor technology. This partnership is critical to the success of the program. Through participation, residents act as important partners.

The Program

In the predecessor project, Breathe Easy Dallas, 11 sensors were placed near schools to measure air pollution levels. This data was used by academic partners at the Texas Transportation Institute to analyze the impact of air pollution on asthma.


In D-CAMP, sensors will be placed throughout Dallas to measure levels of air pollutants where Dallas residents live, go to school, work, and play, particularly in communities with environmental justice concerns.  The data will be shared with the community and academic partners, leading to a better understanding of how air pollutants impact daily lives. Data can also be used by City planners to ensure health of residents is protected when considering future development.


The Data


When using data from D-CAMP, please note the following:


  • The data presented on this website are not validated or verified.

  • The data does not come from regulatory monitors and cannot be used to infer violations of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) or other regulatory violations.

  • Data on this website should be used with discretion.

  • Technical information can be found in each data report.

About the Data

Air monitors operated by regulatory government agencies are used to measure air quality to see if pollution levels meet federal and state air quality standards. There are currently nine locations in Dallas County used to monitor a variety of pollutants.  View regulatory data at the link above.


The D-CAMP non-regulatory network measures air quality at additional locations throughout the city. D-CAMP monitors are different from government monitors and cannot be used to assess if air pollutant levels are within legal limits. However, with this data, community members can be informed about current air quality at a specific location and take actions to protect their health. Data can also be used for policy decisions, research, city planning, and to inform activities aimed at improving health and the environment for Dallas communities.


The data displayed uses a simple color code and is not regulatory. This makes it impractical to compare short term average data with regulatory standards or to the EPA’s Air Pollution Index (API).


Low: Concentrations of the pollutant are at levels that are safe for all residents.


Moderate: Concentrations of the pollutant are acceptable. However, there may be some concern for individuals who are sensitive to air pollution, such as children with asthma, residents with respiratory conditions, or other health concerns.


High: Concentrations are elevated. Everyone should take precaution.


The accuracy of all sensors may be affected by environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and barometric pressure.  Under certain combinations the sensors will not report data.

Data Reports

Technical information and data summaries are provided in each report.

Community involvement

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency defines environmental justice as the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies. The City of Dallas is working to ensure that everyone has the same degree of protection from environmental and health hazards; and equal access to the decision-making process to have a healthy environment in which to live, learn, work, and play. The D-CAMP program is one tool to use when meeting the City’s environmental justice goals.  View a list of the City’s environmental justice goals outlined in the Racial Equity Plan.

All Hands In

City staff seeks community input on D-CAMP, especially on the placement of the sensors.  While some elements used in determining the placement of sensors can be established using known data, guidance and community input is critical. Residents know their neighborhoods and by sharing their knowledge help make sure sensors are located where they need to be.

Have questions or want to get involved?


Maritza Figy

Climate Coordinator

Our Partners

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This page is administered by the City of Dallas- Office of Environmental Quality & Sustainability:

Dallas City Hall
1500 Marilla Street, Room 7A North
Dallas, TX 75201
Phone: (214) 670-1200 | Fax: (214) 670-0134

Dallas Climate Action | City of Dallas © 2024

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